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For the past two generations, weatherheads have been warning winter watchers about the wind chill factor, which combines temperature with wind speeds to express how quickly a human body will lose its warmth.
THE ICEBOT -- With the wind chill factor below -50[degrees], WHOI engineer Amy Kukulya and engineering technician Kris Newhall launch the robotic underwater vehicle REMUS into a hole cut into a stretch of sea ice extending into the Chukchi Sea from Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost city in the United States.
It will be a cold month though, with some keen arctic winds, which will enhance the wind chill factor."
Officials at Catterick, where there is expected to be a vicious wind chill factor of -7C, will inspect the track at 7.30am for today's meeting.
The heating system had to maintain 13[degrees]c from -7[degrees]C outside temperature plus a severe wind chill factor. Four LP gas-fired Powrmaster units were selected with associated flue and controls; two rated at 410kW output and two at 310kW output.
In Coventry, Mr Jackson admits there are risks of sleet and the wind chill factor will make people feel even colder.
"We've had sustained 25-below wind chill factor for multiple days and never had a problem with the B20."
There are a number of definitions for the wind chill factor, but simply put, it combines air temperature and wind speed to come up with a reading of what it really feels like outside.
The 4000 quickly and efficiently records the above parameters as well as wind speed and wind chill factor, dew point, wet bulb temperature and heat stress.
Cotton holds moisture next to your skin--just what you don't want when the wind chill factor dips.
There's also the wind chill factor which can have a serious effect on equipment and product durability during the winter months.
However, a minus 70 degrees Fahrenheit wind chill factor meant conditions were too dangerous for Mr Meegan's friends, forcing him to complete the expedition alone.